Hello, and we're back!
Anyway, last weekend we went to Stonehenge and Bath with two of our friends. Just a short day trip for about 45 pounds per person.
As there are too many pictures, I'll be telling our updates along with the pictures we took during the trip. Enjoy!
The thing is the past two weeks we have been busy adjusting to each other's working schedule. Des has started working and he is back into jumping shifts. His typical week would be (for those of you who would have known), a compressed one month's Genting schedule. Meaning, he jumps from midnight to afternoon to morning and gets a day off all in a week. Yes, a very hectic jump and indeed, I feels that it is even more stressful than the monthly schedule.
Hence, our daily routine revolves around Des's schedule. Not that it was a suprise, as we were already quite used to it when we were up hill. When Des is on midnight, I'll get off work and rush back to join him for dinner, in which he'll get ready for work and will be out by 10pm. And then, next morning, we'll play our little game of spotting each other as we will both (usually) be in a bus (me to work, him from work) in the opposite direction. How pathetic eh?
Oh, wait, a story about Bath and me. When we decided to join this trip, I have absolutely no idea what Bath is all about. We took this trip because it was recommended by one of Des's friend and it was very affordable. When we arrived, we were ushered into the entrance and were given one of those audio guide (refer picture above) and were told to wander at our own place.
The moment I took one of those audio thingy, I suddenly wandered out loud, "I think I've been here before". Two steps into the place, I had a de javu moment. I thought its just one of those moments and waited a while for it to dissappears. But three seconds later, I had flashbacks of the place and suddenly I remembered.
I've been here during my UK trip twelve years ago when I was in Form 3! It really seems like those moments in TV where the person suffering from amnesia suddenly remembers. I remember the pool, I remember posing for pictures, I remember the dark room!
After realizing that I've been here before, I quickly lose interest and wanted to wander out to the town instead :P Anyway, Des enjoyed the place and was busy snapping pictures while I followed closely (I forgot my handphone that day and was being particularly paranoid of being separated from Des) thinking how stupid I could be for not remembering that I've been here before.
Matta: Dont worry, not all is lost. I remembered going to Oxford! :)
The weather was cool, colder that last week as the sun was out and we were practically sweating last week. The weather suddenly drop as the weekend approaches and we were bracing ourselves for a wet holiday. It was very cloudy and very windy and the sky is threatening to drop any second, but luckily, it stayed dry for the day.
The trip to Bath took about2 hours, so we managed to catch a few winks in between the highway. Oh, and we got caught on the way back in a traffic jam, because there was an accident between two cars and people were driving S-L-O-W-L-Y to watch hence the delay in traffic! And guess what, even the OPPOSITE direction was slowed down too! Hence, the normal perception that only Malaysian are generally "caring" Is.Not.True! The people here does the same too!
See, we're not that weird afterall...
They excavated the steps to the temple but not the temple? Hmm...
After the Roman Bath, we were left on our own to explore the town for a couple of hours. We hopped over to Bath Abbey, a beautiful church full of interesting things to see.
Isnt the glass paintings(?) absolutely beautiful?
There is also a HUGE pipe organ on display. I've never seen such a big one (although, come to think of it, I've probably HAVE seen this from my last trip, only I cannot recall due to my short term memory).
After the Abbey, we continue to explore the town a bit. It was lunchtime and we went looking for food when I stumbled upon this!
We still havent figured this out. Seriously, is the street name Menwear or is the street full of men's wear???
There is a university in Bath, so it is mostly populated by tourist and students. And the shopping is not that great. If you ask me, Bath would be a good place to study but not for me :)
Note the building in the picture?
After spending close to three hours in Bath, we were soon on our way to Stonehenge. It was another hour or so before we reached the place.
And we were handed our audio guide again. To be honest, when we reached Stonehenge, I was half expecting another Bath-moment. So I took a deep breathe as I reach for the audio guide, and sigh in relief as no flashback or recollection of whatsoever of me having visited Stonehenge before. Phew!
Frankly speaking, I find the audio guides terribly annoying as it distracts you from properly enjoying the place. Bath was short and sweet, but Stonehenge has lengthy explaination of everything, and we soon got bored of it.
Basically we are just allowed to walk one big circle around the stones as we are no longer allowed to walk near it anymore. Tourist were caught chipping away stones long time ago and since then, they block it from public.
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