A place for me to share with my family and friends what I've experienced in life.

o_O What little time left!

1st August 2009

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Fridge Defrosting Day

If you have wanted to ask us how is married life so far, I'll tell you that we have been domesticated until to the point that we were discussing grocery shopping while lepak-ing in a club surrounded by people drinking and dancing. Even worst, when we came back from the club, instead of crashing to the bed drunk and making passionate love, we proceed to clear the fridge and freezer to defrost it. So yea, the fridge has been acting up a bit, so we finally got around doing it. The next morning though, in a spur me the moment, i decided to cook ALL the remaining meat, hence the attached picture.. I popped the two remaining chicken drumstick into the microwave, grilled two portions of pork ribs into the oven, fried another two portions of pork ribs, and cooked the remaining luncheon meat and sausages. So there, meat enough for at least FIVE meals all cooked at one go for an impromptu but satisfying BREAKFAST. Yea, i know, no more meat next week for these two carnivorous...

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