A place for me to share with my family and friends what I've experienced in life.

o_O What little time left!

1st August 2009

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Life as we know it (not!)

Agnes writes, "Can we cheat death? Can we really prevent things from happening? Or is it merely a cause of action that resulted in a positive outcome.. I'm still in shock. For though I believe it could have ended in the worst case scenario, I am glad for what i did. I guess at the end of the day, i did what i wanted, though not in the way it was carried out. I regret not reporting to the police, but i know i have my reasons given the circumstances. I hope to do it though, perhaps to offer closure or even assurance. I'm now at McDonalds on an early Saturday morning waiting for Des to finish work. I attended my company's Christmas dinner yesterday and ended up spending the night at a petrol station near my house because i was being followed back home. Too frightened to return home and too shocked to report police, i spend the night talking (& crying) to the petrol attendant who so graciously allowed me to wait for more than two hours before deciding to take the first train to Des's work place, for i am too sacred to return home by myself. I've never been so glad that its the weekend...


Adrianne said...

Hey that's shocking to hear. Hope you've recovered from the trauma. Take care ya!

Dragonballfan said...

Thanks babe! I was quite suprised at myself for being able to hold it together for the entire night as I was chanelling all my energy towards meeting Des. But all hell broke lose when we finally make it back home and I broke down and bawled for quite some time. Lets just say lesson learnt and I'll never go back on my own that late at night (past 3am) again!